Going Global Favorites

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Along the way our travels take us to some incredibly scenic places and sights and we took a lot of pictures. These are some of our favourite pictures. Hope you enjoy!

Fantastic catch up with long time Land Rover pals who used to live in BC but now live in Manitoba.
It was an incredibly stormy drive to Yorkton  Saskatchewan yesterday to get to our meet up spot. Winds were up to 90 kph on the highway with lots of rain. Very glad old Fitzy kept his rubber on the road.
Thanks lads for making your trip over to see us from Roblin. Always such a treat to get together with you!


Fantastic catch up with long time Land Rover pals who used to live in BC but now live in Manitoba.
It was an incredibly stormy drive to Yorkton Saskatchewan yesterday to get to our meet up spot. Winds were up to 90 kph on the highway with lots of rain. Very glad old Fitzy kept his rubber on the road.
Thanks lads for making your trip over to see us from Roblin. Always such a treat to get together with you!


The view from my front window this afternoon.
I so love Lake Superior!


The view from my front window this afternoon.
I so love Lake Superior!


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